A few years ago, Detroit Love purchased the Dom Polski Building, a historic Polish community center to serve as our home base. The Dom Polski building was built in 1913 by Joseph G. Kastler. Our goal is to restore this amazing building, to its original purpose: a community center for our neighborhood.
5-6 changes of work clothes (jeans, break-aways, capris, and t-shirts (NO SHORTS). When you raise your arms above your head no skin should show between your shirt and shorts. The same should be true when you sit.
1-3 pairs of KNEE LENGTH shorts. Shorts are only worn at the Detroit Love Center. Long pants will always be worn when leaving the Center.
1 dress outfit for Sunday service. Some of our partner churches are dressier than others, once we have identified the church you will be attending, you can plan accordingly.
1 pair of sturdy work shoes
1 pair dress shoes/sandals
1 pair of shower sandals
Sleeping Attire. No sleeveless shirts or tank tops.
Towel and Washcloth
Work gloves, water bottle, and sunscreen
Bible, journal/notebook, and pen
Light sweatshirt (Due to cooler evenings in the building
Alarm Clock
Toiletries: soap, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, brush/comb, contacts and solution, razor, and shaving cream. Any prescription drugs should be given to your leader. Please make Detroit Love staff aware of prescription drugs and medical conditions.
Cell Phones and iPods. Please prayerfully consider that you are on a short term mission to build deeper relationships with God, one another and the community. IPods and other electronics may distract participants from maximizing on this opportunity to accomplish this. These devices WILL NOT BE ALLOWED OUT OF THE CENTER(except adults). Detroit Love Inc. is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged electronic devices.
Please leave jewelry, watches, & wallets at home. Students will not be allowed to carry wallets, cash, or credit cards outside of the Center. Adult participants should consider carrying only one credit card and their driver's license and cell phone during ministry times. Detroit Love Inc. is not responsible for lost or stolen jewelry, watches, and/or wallets.
We understand that different groups have different dress codes, however, while you are with us, we ask that would follow our dress code. Our dress code is as follows:
EVERYONE should wear long pants or past the knee capris when serving outside of our center. This avoids the debate of how short is too short for shorts.
EVERYONE should wear closed-toed shoes when serving outside of the center AND working construction in the center. This is for your safety
While serving or hanging out in the center, as long as it is not a safety concern, participants may wear knee length shorts and/or open-toed shoes.
Please refrain from wearing tank tops at any time.
Please refrain from wearing leggings at any time.
T-shirts should be modest (loose as opposed to skin-tight and with higher necklines)
Looking for something fun and memorable for your team to do on a free night? Here are some of our Detroit Love staff recommendations:
Detroit Tigers Game
Detroit Riverfront overlooking Canada
Detroit Zoo
Whirly Ball
Museum of African American History
Bell Isle
One of the biggest questions groups have is what their time will look like when they serve with us. Over our many years of leading trips we have found that while we work hard to make the best of plans, often plans change...a lot. This is hard for our Type A personalities (ask our 3 board members who are Type A+), but when we keep our hearts humbly focused on God, we are constantly amazed by how God redeems the unexpected for His glory.
We understand, however that it is helpful to have any idea of what you will be doing while you serve with us. So, please click here for a VERY ROUGH DRAFT of a POSSIBLE ministry schedule for your group. The number of teams in to which your group is divided, varies based on the size of your team.