
our mission.
Detroit Love, Inc. exists to be Jesus because the Gospel matters every day. The Gospel is God’s story of love and redemption. The Bible makes it clear that the relationship between God and man is broken and this brokenness is the cause for all suffering in our present world as well as eternity (Genesis 3). But the story in scripture does not end there. It continues, to tell of how God made a way to redeem His relationship with people through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This good news of reconciliation with God is what motivates Detroit Love, Inc. to serve and care for those in need. We strongly desire to partner with local churches to make the Gospel the foundation of ministry in our Community as well as the greater downtown area. Practically speaking, this means our goal in ministry is to move from addressing immediate relief, to community betterment, and then, Lord willing, to local worship in the body of Christ.